Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I opened up an email this morning from a group of great mamas I am a part of. Though the subject warned have tissues ready, I expected something like "I won't be able to make it to the Easter egg hunt" or "my daughter bonked her little brother on the head with a Barbie". No such luck.

I can't focus. Think. Stop crying. Stop clutching onto my birthday girl. Go pick up cupcakes and her favorite birthday dinner.

A proud and wonderful mommy, lost her precious 6 week old in the night. She kissed him and tucked him in bed for the last time.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

It has come to my attention....

I have realized, that I (we) have some amazing people in our lives. People that make me laugh like only my husband can...I care for them, almost as much as I do my own family. These people are those I never thought would give me so much happiness. It is just a reminder that the small things in life, are what maybe, most important. While I indulge myself in preparing for an acquaintances little girl, I realize how much more of myself I give to others, compared to my family.